Ever wondered how big is 5 cm? We often encounter situations when we need to estimate the length of small objects, such as 5 cm without rulers. That is when relying on the lengths of everyday objects can be an effective approach!
Daily items such as two American dollar coins, a matchstick, an index finger, and even a key can help you understand how big is 5 cm. Read along, and you’ll find 20 everyday things that are 5 inches long.
Ta-da! Let’s get straight into it.
How Long is 5 cm in Other Units of Measurements?
5 cm is a common measurement we encounter in life. Right, you agree? Sometimes, people use different units for the same measurements. For example, someone might like to say 2 inches (precisely 1.96 inches) instead of 5cm, and you might be like, what the heck is this? That’s the conversation!
Here is a brief conversion of 5 inches into other units of measurement:
5 cm in inches= 1.9685 inches
5 cm in meters= 0.05 meters
5 cm in millimeters= 50 mm
It’s important that you know these conversations for quick estimations!
By the way, if you’re someone who hates this conversation stuff, let’s move to the practice and the real life stuff, i.e examples of things that are 5 centimeters long.
What Object is 5 cm Long?
Many everyday objects can help you understand how big is 5 cm. Life is life, and at any time in life, you could be in a situation where you need to measure something, and you don’t have a measuring tape with you 24/7. Right? That is when knowing the dimensions of everyday objects can be quite helpful.
You might be surprised to know that even your index finger can help you understand 5 cm because it’s probably this length long. Similarly, two American dollar coins or your business card, credit card or debit card’s length is approximately 5 cm long. And many, many more things, read along and you’ll find.
Things That are 5 cm Long:
Here are 20 everyday objects that are 5 cm long.
- Two American Dollar Coins
- Matchsticks
- A piece of Chalk
- Standard Playing Card
- Index Finger
- Standard Soda Can
- Large Paperclip
- Credit Card Height
- Squash Ball
- Belt Buckles
- USB Flash Drive
- Two Almonds
- Smartwatch Screen
- Airpods Case
- Chess Piece
- Sewing Needle
- A Key
- Half of the Popsicle Stick
- Pen Cap
- Upholstery Needle
How Big is 5 cm Compared to Everyday Objects?
Two American Dollar Coins:

Two American Dollar Coins
Let’s kickstart the list with the easiest and most accessible example. Dollar coins are something present every time in our pockets, etc. A single dollar coin is approximately 2.6 cm long. Place two coins end to end, and you’ll get 5.2 cm. Though a little more than exactly 5 cm, it’s a good-to-go reference.
If you have 2 American coins nearby, I highly encourage you to practically perform it, and I promise you’ll remember it for a long time!

Something from kitchen items. Life in a kitchen without a matchstick is like life on Earth without oxygen unless you have an electric stove!
Well, if you’re a chef, you only know the importance of matchsticks. A matchstick is generally 4.8 cm long. Though it’s a little shy of 5 centimetres, it’s a perfect reference when you’re in the kitchen, scratching your head and wondering how big 5 cm is.
A Piece of Chalk:

A Piece of Chalk
Remember the times when teachers used blackboards and white chalk? How time transforms! From blackboards to whiteboards to projectors, we have conquered a lot and many more to come yet!
But, if you’re someone from my time, you might remember the length of a standard piece of chalk. The commonly used chalk is often 5 cm long and is a handy reference to understand how big is 5 cm.
Besides teachings, colourful chalks are also used in many artistic projects. In short, chalk is often easily available in schools and creative artist homes. If you find it nearby, just take one piece of chalk out and see its length completely. Internalize the fact that it’s exactly 5 cm long and boom!
Standard Playing Card:

Standard Playing Card
Ever played games like Poker, Go Fish or Solitaire? You better know the length of a standard playing card. It’s probably 6.1 cm and 1.1 cm more than 5 cm but still, it’s a good gauge when you don’t have a tool in hand to understand how big is 5 cm.
Index Finger:

Index Finger
Yes, you read that right. Place your right hand in front of you and stand your index finger while closing the other fingers to get the estimation easily. On average, an adult male or female has a index finger of approximately 5 cm long, but remember the fact that depending on age, height, and dietary habits, it can vary a bit. Generally, you can consider it and it’s a great everyday reference to understand how big is 5 cm.
Standard Soda Can:

Standard Soda Can
Hey, soda lover. Though it tastes so good, it can be deleterious to your health if consumed in excess. The size of a soda can varies greatly depending on the size and manufacture. Generally, the standard size in the US is 4.83 inches, and the lid has a diameter of 5.31 cm. So, both the lid diameter and the can height can be used as a reference to understand how big is 5 cm.
Large Paperclip:

Large Paperclip
Paperclips are a need of every professional and student. You have tons of paper and all thanks to paperclips that help you bind them and keep your study or workplace neat, clean, tidy and in a presentable form!
While paperclips vary greatly in size, you can find a one inch small paperclip to a large 5 inches paperclip. In any case, paper clips are here for you to help you ace measurements.
For example, let’s say you are using one-inch paperclips; consider 5 of them and arrange them end to end and boom, you’ll get 5 inches. Similarly, if you’re using 2-inch paperclips, use 2.5. obviously, you can’t cut it off, so use 3 of them and count 5 cm to two and half paperclip. But, if you directly use a large 5-inch paper clip, that’s enough to help you grasp the concept of how big is 5 cm.
Credit Card Height:

Credit Card Height
Credit cards are miraculous. Heard the famous sentence No Cash, No problem! Hehe, the mastermind behind it is the credit card or debit cards. Forget the tension of leaving money at home, etc. Just keep the credit or debit card in your pocket, and you’re good to go.
Ever imagined that these extremely useful everyday cards can one day help you in measurements, too? Yes, my friend. A credit card or debit card is approximately 5 cm long, precisely 5.4 cm long in length and you know a little bit of difference can be ignored. Because you know perfection is a myth, and it doesn’t exist in life or measurements!
So nextime you’re out shopping or at work and immediately wanna know how big is 5 cm, credit cards or debit cards are your go-to reference examples.
Remember, you can use a standard business card as well.
Squash Ball:

Squash Ball
Squash is one of the most healthiest sport in the world. The game has a positive impact on mental and physical well being. Squash balls are smaller in size compared to cricket or tennis balls, but a good reference for 5 cm.
To be very honest, a squash ball has a diameter of 4cm, but you can use them as a reference to understand how big is 5 cm. It’s because it’s only a cm less than 5 cm but an everyday item you must have seen on TV or in real life if you’re a squash player. By the way, are you?
In any ways, you can use them as a reference for 5 cm.
Belt Buckles:

Belt Buckles
Belts are of prime importance in dressing! Aren’t they? I mean, they actually transform your whole look. They don’t only help you keep your pants secure at the waist but a touch to your personality as well.
Buckle is the beauty of the belt. Generally, belts have a buckle of approximately 5 cm long. However, the size of the belt, the design, and the buckle can vary. By looking at the buckle, you can get an estimation that it’s either 5 cm or long. Yes, trust your inner voice.
USB Flash Drive:

USB Flash Drive
A USB flash drive is of great importance in this digital age for storing and transporting data. Its compact size makes it perfect for easy handling and portability. Though sizes can vary depending on the storage space, company and materials, a standard flash drive is approximately 5 cm long.
USB flash drives are easily available and are a basic need of all working professionals and even students to store their video lectures, PDFs, and tons of presentations. If you have any USB around, I highly encourage you to take it out and check its length! You’ll get on experiment on how big is 5 cm.
Two Almonds:

Two Almonds
The almonds you use to fasten and sharpen your mind can actually sharpen you in measurements, too. An average size almond is probably 2.54 cm long. If you align two almonds vertically, you’ll get 5.08 cm, and that’s a little more than our desired value but a good-to-go reference because the almond size can vary a bit, too!
Smartwatch Screen:

Smartwatch Screen
From big watches to digital smartwatches, the world has evolved a lot, but we still have the same 24 hours! Well, a smartwatch Screen is an ideal reference for 5 inches. If you’re a smartwatch user, it’s something on your hands most of the time. Just look at the screen of the watch, and you’ll get the answer to the question of how big is 5 cm.
Airpods Case:

Airpods Case
Airpods are a safe haven these days. In a room full of noise, take your airpods out, fit them in your ears and go into your dream world; listen to whatever you want to listen to and enjoy. But I advise you to listen to good stuff that improves your physical, mental and spiritual health.
Well, have you ever thought that even airpods can help you understand how big is 5 cm? Huh? That’s the power of observation and knowledge, dear fellas!
Okay, so not the airpods, but the airpods Case is generally a good reference for 5 cm. Especially the Apple airpods generation 3, which has a case height of approximately 4.6 cm and a case width of 5.4 cm. Either consider a height or width; you’re good to go to understand 5 cm with the help of your airpods case.
Chess Piece:

Chess Piece
A pawn from a chess board is a great reference from the gaming world to understand how big 5 is cm .
Sewing Needle:

Sewing Needle
Long sewing needles you must have seen in your tailor or designer’s boutique or even in your grandma’s room who loves to knit warm, woven clothes! A long sewing needle is probably 5 cm long. Yes, it’s longer than casual small needles, and you can use it as a reference to understand how big is 5 cm.
A Key:

A Key
Ever forget your office keys at home or home keys at the office? Shake hand. Well, keys are something we almost use daily to unlock the home, car, office, or cupboard, but we do. The fact is the length of a common key from base to tip is probably 5 cm.
If you’ve any sorta keys in your pocket, take them out and see right now, boom, on the spot, you’ll get a 5-inch example. I hope you’re gonna perform this example practically.
Because remember, no matter how much stuff you read. In the end, you’ll only remember the things you have experienced!
Half of the Popsicle Stick:

Half of the Popsicle Stick
People involved in crafting know the importance of this popsicle stick. A single popsicle stick is generally 4 inches or 10 cm long. If you use half of its length, which is 2 inches, you’ll get a good estimation of 5 cm.
If you’re involved in a DIY project, you must have seen a popsicle stick and can easily imagine its size.
Remember, all the items enlisted in the article are references. There can be a minute difference in the dimensions, but you can easily get a gist of the measurements, and that is what matters!
Pen Cap:

Pen Cap
Ever wondered that the pen you use daily can help you in understanding how big is 5 cm? It is not just the whole pen; only the cap of the pen can help you visualize 5 inches.
It’s a perfect took to estimate 5 cm when you don’t have any other measuring tool around you.
Upholstery Needle:

Upholstery Needle
Upholstery is a special type of needle that is curved to pass through various types of fabrics without breaking or tearing. An average upholstery needle is 5 cm long.
If you’re from the fashion industry or have any tailor or designer at home, you can consider this example. Otherwise, the rest of the everyday items, such as a pen cap, index finger, and smartwatch screen, are your go-to reference for comprehending how big is 5 cm.
How Big is 5 cm on a Ruler?
The world of rulers and measurements have an inseparable bond. Where there is a measurement , the ruler ought to be there. Generally, many longer scales are 12 cm long.
To consider 5 cm, start from the 0 cm marks and count five spaces ahead and boom, you got that. A 5 cm is easily visible on the scale and you don’t have to put a lot of exertion. Simply put, the line marked number 5 represents 5 cm on the ruler.
This method of measurement is not universally understood but is also loved and is one of the favorite methods for grasping measurements. It’s because it’s easy, accurate and perfect with no hassle.
How big is 5 cm? Many everyday items such as an index finger, a smartwatch screen, a key, a large-size paperclips or even a buckle of the belt can help you visualize 5 cm.
I’m sure there are many more everyday items that are 5 centimeters long. I have enlisted a few only, if you know more, let me know in the comments section as well. See ya next time. Thank you for reading!
I hope you aced the concepts of 5-centimeter measurements.